Designing My Next Campaign to Include a Video Game
I have been digging this video game called Artemis. It is a starship bridge simulator that requires six people to play it. Five of the bridge crew need a computer to play, but the captain has none. The fiv
e stations are: Helm, Science, Weapons, Engineering, and Communications.
First things first – Artemis rocks! Go buy a copy. You will not be disappointed.
The reason for this post though is that the game is just so great at creating the atmosphere of a starship bridge that it leads to the players naturally roleplaying their parts.
So why not design my next RPG campaign to use Artemis for all of the starship combat? That is exactly what I am doing. I am taking the D6 Space game, stripping out any of the skills related to piloting a starship, and setting up the RPG to focus on the character interactions and face-to-face combat scenes.
That is the plan, and as I go forward with it I will post the occasional update. Go-go Artemis!Rich Text AreaToolbarBold (Ctrl + B)Italic (Ctrl + I)Strikethrough (Alt + Shift + D)Unordered list (Alt + Shift + U)Ordered list (Alt + Shift + O)Blockquote (Alt + Shift + Q)Align Left (Alt + Shift + L)Align Center (Alt + Shift + C)Align Right (Alt + Shift + R)Insert/edit link (Alt + Shift + A)Unlink (Alt + Shift + S)Insert More Tag (Alt + Shift + T)Toggle spellchecker (Alt + Shift + N)▼
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I have been digging this video game called Artemis. It is a starship bridge simulator that requires six people to play it. Five of the bridge crew need a computer to play, but the captain has none. The five stations are: Helm, Science, Weapons, Engineering, and Communications.
First things first – Artemis rocks! Go buy a copy. You will not be disappointed.
The reason for this post though is that the game is just so great at creating the atmosphere of a starship bridge that it leads to the players naturally roleplaying their parts.
So why not design my next RPG campaign to use Artemis for all of the starship combat? That is exactly what I am doing. I am taking the D6 Space game, stripping out any of the skills related to piloting a starship, and setting up the RPG to focus on the character interactions and face-to-face combat scenes.
That is the plan, and as I go forward with it I will post the occasional update. Go-go Artemis!