It Is All Fun & Games, Because Of Our Fallen Heroes

I have a good life. I make a decent living. My family is comfortable. I play games with my friends during my free time. I enjoy good food. My worries are few, and those that I do have are not that significant compared to the big picture. For me life is good.

My life is good, because others gave their lives for my country in order to defend our way of life. Soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen have died because they swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. I live in a free country, and I didn’t have to pay the price for my freedom because others paid it for me.

Thank you to the men and women who died in the service of our nation. Thank you to the families who were left behind. I hope that how I live my life, how I raise my children, and how I act as a citizen is worthy of your sacrifices. I can never repay you in full, and I am humbled by your courage.

Thank you to all of our fallen heroes.