My Blogging Birthday Wish? Site Visits, Comments, and Feedback!
Today is my birthday! Yay me! I am older! I have been successful at aging and growing older now for the last 36 years. It is sort of a hobby of mine this whole staying alive thing. I highly recommend it to everyone.
I do have a blogging birthday wish though, and I want to reach out to everyone to help me make it happen. I want people to visit the site today and tell me three things:
- Tell me something that I am doing right with this blog.
- Tell me something that I could be doing better with this blog.
- Let me know if you subscribe to this site’s RSS feed, and if not why?
Additional super-duper bonus birthday wish challenge: tweet about this blog and post about it in Facebook to attract new readers!
Thanks to all of you who are helping me with this site, encouraging me to stick with it, and sharing the ride as I cruise along the information super highway in my blog! Every year I might grow a year older, but I am also growing a year richer in friends and that is priceless!
Now I can’t wait to have cake!
Happy birthday, Patrick! I wish you eternal youth so that you can keep blogging, designing, and playing! 😀
Your current run of blog posts are interesting, be it either about a big or small topic. Keep posting useful and fun articles!
Making Fudeg/system-less settings, items, and whatnot seems to be one of your fortes – more please! 🙂
@jlcsusara: Thank you for the feedback! I am preparing another batch of Fudge items, monsters, and other materials.