Design Specifications for the Pudge (Pocket Fudge) Project
Here are the design specifications for the project that I announced yesterday for a version of Fudge that GMs would be able to print onto a collection of 3” x 5” index cards. The project is now officially named the…
New Index Cards Project
I have been so pleased with using 3″ x 5″ index cards as character sheets that I have started on a streamlined version of the Fudge text that fits onto index cards with a card numbering system, “Table of Contents”,…
My Top Secret /S.I. Index Card Character Sheet
The last of the games that I will be running at Gen Con this year is Top Secret /S.I., and its character sheet is the hardest one to cram onto a 3″ x 5″ index card. After all, it is…
My Fudge Index Card Character Sheet
After yesterday’s post you had to have known that this was coming! Here is the PDF of my 3″ x 5″ index card sized Fudge character sheet! It has the very basics needed for a Fudge character, and it is…
My MicroLite 20 Index Card Character Sheet
This week I will be focused on preparations for Gen Con. One of my goals is to keep things simple and portable. That is why I am running games like Fudge and MicroLite 20, because they are incredibly simple systems….
My GM's Kit for Gen Con 2011
This year at Gen Con I want to travel light. To be more precise, I want the gear in my GM’s kit to be light but at the same time packed with stuff that will enhance the fun of my…
Rules, Roller Coasters & RPGs
I am a huge fan of simple games. Incredibly complex rules for RPGs make my eyes glaze over. I do not want highly detailed and realistic rules, because if there is one thing that I have discovered that ruins an…
Burned Out? Admit to It and Push Yourself
I am burned out. My vacation was not very restful. That is okay, because a family vacation with young kids does not give the parents a chance to truly rest. You still have to care for your children. Luckily I…
A Gen Con Request: Run Top Secret /S.I.
One of my favorite RPGs of all time is Top Secret /S.I. from TSR. I have made my fondness for this game public knowledge on more than one occasion, and now my buddy and fellow Gnome Stew and Engine Publishing…
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