My MicroLite 20 Index Card Character Sheet

This week I will be focused on preparations for Gen Con. One of my goals is to keep things simple and portable. That is why I am running games like Fudge and MicroLite 20, because they are incredibly simple systems. To keep things portable I am using index cards instead of regular sized sheets of paper whenever possible. That is why I have created a MicroLite 20 character sheet that can be printed onto a 3” x 5” index card.


MicroLite 20 has all sorts of settings available for it, but I want to have only one character sheet to manage for every type of setting. That is why I use “HTH” for a hand-to-hand attack bonus, “RNG” for a ranged attack bonus, and “EXT” for an extraordinary abilities bonus. These replace the typical melee, missile, and magic terms used for the original fantasy version of the system and these terms strike me as being more appropriate for use across different genres.

Here is a PDF copy for anyone who wants to use this character sheet.  I do not want to release this under the Open Game License that I normally use for the Fudge materials that I release on the site, so this character sheet is being released under the MicroLite 20 version of the license instead (which I do not have a link to).

Keep in mind that not all printers are capable of printing onto a 3″ x 5″ index card. You might have to work with your printer’s settings to get a clean copy, but once you have it printing right you will have a great character sheet that captures the elegance of this simple system.

Like it? Not so much? Leave a comment blow and let everyone know how you feel about this download.