What Do Gamers Mean By “Cinematic”?
In response to the feedback I got from the article Why RPG Adventures That Emulate a Movie Are a Bad Idea I want to address what we gamers means when we say that we want a “cinematic” game, as well…
Final Chapter of Budge Being Written
I have three sections left to write for the first draft of Budge. I am excited and nervous about this. What I am going to release is far from a final product. It is going to have some editing work…
The Moments at the Game Table Are Not Always Game Moments
At the last game that I played in I was introduced to the GM’s new kitten. Let me explain. About fifteen minutes after taking my seat at the table I screamed like a virgin on prom night. The kitten was…
Why RPG Adventures That Emulate a Movie Are a Bad Idea
You have just seen an amazing flick and now you want to run or play in an RPG event that captures that same feeling of intensity and dramatic tension as the film had. You want to recreate that wonderful plot…
Personal Peeve as a Player
If my character is about to have a success of some sort in the game world and the GM decides to cut that moment short by having something beyond the players’ control interrupt the scene it ticks me off. That…
Reality Is Fantastic
I often hear GMs say “I cannot find a source of inspiration for my next game.” My advice is look no further than NetFlix and start learning about the many wonders of the real world. Walking with Monsters, The Universe,…
What I Learned From Seth Godin
It is better to blog 62 words then not to blog anything at all. I have been working hard on several projects. I can do a bit more though and will blog something every weekday. I am also opening this…
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