Page 8 – Player Feedback & Character Input – How they shape your game.
Here is page 8 of my latest project. I slowed down a bit as I am recovering from a very minor surgery, but I hope to be back on track starting this week. A game where every detail has…
Page 9 – The Four Acts
Here is the next part of my GM’s campaign designer workbook. This section explains the four acts model that is central to my idea of how to plan your campaigns. This workbook uses a simple four act design…
Page 5–“Why You Need to Plan Ahead, But Not Prepare Heavily”
I will not be posting daily as I focus on my current project. I will be designing my project in the open though (it will eventually be released under a Creative Commons license, but for now it is my copyrighted…
My Only Project From Now Until It Ships
So what is the project that I am putting every other project on hold for? A workbook. I am designing a 32 page campaign design workbook. It breaks a campaign down into 16 unique sessions. Every 4 sessions can be…
What Projects are On Hold
This is the post that I dread making, because it is a public admission of my limitations. I hate writing it, but I know that by doing this I will pave the way for better things to come. All of…
Lego Fudge Pics
So here are the pics of me and my kids playing Lego Fudge! Here are the Lego Fudge character sheets. Followed by the Lego Fudge dice (green = “+”, red = “-“, and white = blank). Next is my daughter…
Too Many Projects!
Lego Fudge was a blast with my kids tonight, but it will have to be tomorrow’s post as it will take me too long to put together all of the pictures and the text before midnight tonight. Instead I’m going…
Lego Fudge Has Launched!
Remember that Lego Fudge project that I wrote about around a week ago? Well my Pick-A-Brick order arrived while I was in Las Vegas and I built the character sheets today! Tomorrow night I have to watch my children in…
Back Home!
Well almost home. I just pulled over to grab some dinner, and have another half hour of driving to go. I wish I had some way to tire this into Fudge our gaming, but I am wiped from this trip….
Lessons From Las Vegas: Keep Things Moving With a Smile Not a "No!"
This is my last night in Las Vegas for the VMworld 2011 conference. Tomorrow I fly back home to my wife and kids. I am so glad that this trip is over, not because Las Vegas is not a fun…
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