Site Back Online!
So I finally got around to getting this site backup after finding more spammer links in various pages. Did a lot of scrubbing on this site, because I wanted to understand how the cracker(s) got in and did the damage. I learned a lot about securing WordPress, and I would even extend my thanks to the asshole(s) who cracked the site for that.
No, not really. People who crack sites are still petty criminals when you think about it. I mean they are no different than a vandal, or robber, except that a cracer does their damage via a different medium.
Anyhow, I still have some work to do on the site. Tweaking of themes, deciding which plugins to re-install, etc. Nothing major, but if you happen to come across a problem buzz me however you prefer (you’ll find a way) and I’ll take care of it.
For now I just want to think about what I am going to do with this site. I like having a blog (or two actually) for my personal creativity. Gaming does not hold much of an appeal for me anyomore though. I think this site just might turn into more of a personal journal.
Regardless, the site is back up and running. One more thing done and off of the to-do list!