Less Is More
In recent years I have noticed that my personal wealth is increasing. Not because I am earning a great deal of money, but because I decided a while back to be cheap.
Seriously cheap. Not “Dinner is cat food.” cheap, but more like “I do not need an iPhone.” cheap. I have been avoiding the purchase of material goods whenever possible (the exception being technology purchases for the purpose of keeping my skills sharp). When I do need to make a purchase (clothes, furniture, vehicles, etc.) I look for the cheapest option with an acceptable level of quality.
I am not suggesting that people should buy inferior products. I am suggesting that most “luxury” items are just poor substitutes for actual achievements.
You earn a certain amount in salary, and you go buy an $80,000 automobile. You get a promotion and then go move into a bigger and fancier house. You earn more, so you spend more. This is what the advertisements that bombard us dictate that we do.
Material wealth is bullshit. The car that is purchased on credit, and the home that is mortgaged to the breaking point are burdens. The diamond engagement ring is not a testament of true love. The big screen television and home entertainment system do not make your life more fulfilling.
Money is good to have in abundance, but material goods are not. Materials goods are wealth drainers. Material goods that are not acquired for the purpose of generating revenues will merely reduce your resources. Reduce your resources enough and you will end up going into debt.
Less is more. Reduce your consumption of material goods however possible. Save whatever income you can. Eliminate all debt in order to keep your head clear when making financial decisions.
Be miserly when it comes to buying new goods. Be cheap when it comes to material consumption. After paying off your debt save your money to purchase experiences with (travel, education, witnessing the arts, etc.). Do this, and the material goods that you do end up acquiring will be in the pursuit of your true passion. Let’s face it – most of us really do not care about luxury cars and big houses.