Brushing Off Others, or Breaking Free?
I have been bringing an end to some of my previous commitments. I just no longer have the interest to do the work that they require. My goal is to end these commitments in an amicable manner. I am not…
Religious Monuments on Public LAND Threatens Religions
In Montana a ski resort has a statue of Jesus atop a mountain as a memorial for WWII veterans. There is a cross commemorating Ground Zero in New York. In Alabama a man of law looks to a sculpture of…
Gaming: Not much of a thrill for Me Now
I don’t know when it happened, but I know that the seed for my current feelings on gaming had to have taken root last Christmas (maybe earlier). I like hanging out with my friends. I like playing games. I like…
Site Back Online!
So I finally got around to getting this site backup after finding more spammer links in various pages. Did a lot of scrubbing on this site, because I wanted to understand how the cracker(s) got in and did the damage….
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