Where Should I Promote Budge?
Quick post for today, because instead of sharing information with you I am asking for your help. Where on the web should I promote Budge? To be precise, where can I find people willing to give me critical and useful…
Find The Time To Be A Kid
I was in the toy section of a department store with my kids when I saw a Transformer toy for $7 that is a motorcycle that of course changes into a robot. It reminded me of Cy-Kill who was the…
Got To Get This Off Of My Chest
Last week I mentioned how my tastes are changing with RPGs and I was hesitant to buy the Dresden Files RPG as my tastes changed. This caused a little bit of a stir when Fred Hicks tweeted about my article….
The Moments at the Game Table Are Not Always Game Moments
At the last game that I played in I was introduced to the GM’s new kitten. Let me explain. About fifteen minutes after taking my seat at the table I screamed like a virgin on prom night. The kitten was…
Gen Con 2012: Big Wins, But a Wasted Opportunity
This year I attended Gen Con and I am the honored recipient of not one but two Gold ENnies that I share with the Gnome Stew and Engine Publishing crews. To be fair I should say that Gnome Stew and…
Designing My Next Campaign to Include a Video Game
I have been digging this video game called Artemis. It is a starship bridge simulator that requires six people to play it. Five of the bridge crew need a computer to play, but the captain has none. The fiv Buy…
2 Weeks to New Campaign Means Time to Knuckle Down
This Friday my gaming group's current GM wraps up his campaign before it goes on hold while I launch a new campaign for the next nine sessions. Time flies between the initial concept of a game and the actual launch…
Unexpected Turn of Events
So two days after my last post I was laid off from my job of 13 years. I was not only laid off, but I was laid off over the phone. On top of that my phone was cut in…
Enterprise: A Lesson In Why Intros Are Important
Now that I have more free time I have been making sure to dedicate some of my daily and weekend schedule to my hobbies. Believe it or not, you need to schedule downtime for yourself when you are job hunting….
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