Some people who practice a religion have told me that being an atheist means that a person has no hope for the future. That by not believing in a god, or the supernatural, a natural consequence is that life suddenly…
I saw a bumper sticker that read “God is pro-life!” Now if you believe in a god, in particular the Judeo-Christian god mythos, then the bumper sticker’s intended message is that because god is pro-life you must also be pro-life…
Just a personal rant, because it is a Sunday. This has been buzzing around inside of my head for a while now, so it is time to get it out so that I have bandwidth to focus on other stuff….
When I study the work of cosmologists and learn more and more about the origins and fate of this universe I am comforted. Just as religion may bring comfort to a person of faith I find a deep stillness and…
I am considering changing this blog’s focus to be on atheism, because I believe that in the United States of America organized religion is causing more harm than good. Religious people are not the problem, and I certainly want to…
“In God we trust.” It appears on our currency from coins to bills. It is the motto of the United States of America. “In God we trust.” Except we do not. I do not. I am an atheist. I trust…
Today it hit me like a fist in the gut: I no longer want to invest serious time into my tabletop RPG hobby. I would rather focus on my health and physical abilities than to spend my time reading rules…
One of my favorite tabletop RPGs is Savage Worlds from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. I am reading the Savage Worlds Deluxe and the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion books to prepare to run a game for friends following my gaming group going…
In the Bible it says “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5). Wrong. The meek, the gentle, the pacifists of the world will not inherit the Earth. The Bible is just plain wrong (in many…
This is dedicated to my two darling children, and if you get something useful out of it then I have done something right. Your mother and I tell you kids to do a lot of things: Clean your rooms, do…
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